Transformation Tuesday


I'm a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM National Association of Sports Medicine. For years since having kids, I've struggled to balance a fit and healthy lifestyle with home life and work life. I used to play roller derby from 2007-2011. I became a mom and roller derby fell to the side. I started and stopped roller derby and working out so many times after that. The demand of being a mom is challenging and takes a lot of time. It wasn't until I finally hired Ayla Wagers at Belle Vie Fit and Fearless as my personal trainer that I began to see change. I started exercising consistently and losing weight easily following her flexible eating program. The mindset part of her program was the missing link as to why I kept quitting. I had the "All or nothing mindset." I was still trying to work out like the derby chic I was. If I wasn't sore and miserable, I didn't feel like it was working. The problem with this is when I was working out the way I thought I needed to, it was so hard I didn't want to work out the next day. Then I beat myself up and quit. Through Ayla's program I've learned to love myself unconditionally, fill my cup with self-care, and celebrate the victories no matter how big or small. 

I decided I wanted to help others to find the balance I had found. I signed up for NASM and became a CPT, certified personal trainer. Now I'm here to help you and show you how you can do what I have done. You don't have to skip food groups and fast to make it happen. You don’t have to do crazy hard workouts and lift mega heavy weights. It’s all about consistency. By combining a progressive exercise program, eating the right number of nutrients to fuel your body, and healthy mindset routine you can reach your goals.

Iva Morrell

Welcome to EzBreezyFitClub. I am a Certified Personal Trainer. I’ve worked out for most of my life. I played roller derby and coached off skates workouts. I’m married with 3 kids. Having kids really changed my health and fitness life because all of of sudden I was dealing with PTSD, lack of time and mindset. I was too busy filling everyone else’s cup and never filling my own. I became depressed and was dealing with anxiety. I tried starting working out but kept quitting and felt like a failure. I beat myself up and had the “All or Nothing Mindset.“ I found Belle Vie Fit and Fearless and hired her as my personal trainer. She taught me about ways to fill my cup and take care of me. I can’t fill anyone else’s cup with an empty cup. I have to fill my cup so I can easily fill other’s cups. She helped me to completely transform my body using Nutrition, Working Out, and Mindset. She restored my metabolism since I was essentially starving myself with fad diets and fasting. My desire to help others follow this path and make their dreams come true has taken over. I became a Certified Personal Trainer and am here to teach you all the things I have llearned. No matter where you are in your journey I can help you acheive your goals.

Nutrition 101